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Ramsey Zahar 3D Artist, painter, art director from lebanon to the world

The name Ramsey Zahar stands out in the world of art, drawing and design as a Lebanese artist that has excelled in this field.
Art Director, game designer, and illustrator Ramsey Zahar continued his lessons in Graphic Design and 3D-Video Games in Lebanon to complete them in London at the University of arts london UAL, and did not stop there he obtained a degree in life drawing and Pixel based imaged manipulation At the same time, he taught in universities in the field of Graphic and game design.
He held and participated in several exhibitions in Lebanon and abroad, where his paintings achieved great popularity and won the admiration of the public, as he was asked for a number of paintings in Dubai the Arab countries and Europe.
His style is characterised by abstract painting, which is very expressive.
In terms of his work in the interior design, Zahar has worked in a number of companies for about fifteen years, and has fully designed and executed large number of apartments from interior design, furnishings and paintings, in addition to a number of restaurants, where he is currently pursuing the designs of three restaurants in Germany, where he puts his distinctive touch on them .
He has a wonderful artistic personality, as he benefited from his travels around the world to learn from the cultures of others and was inspired by them to form a nucleus that crosses cultures.
Ramsey Zahar is following his steps with confidence to prepare new paintings for him while continuing to work on expanding his activity towards European countries, confirming that he is a great talent and that he will definitely reach the top of the ladder of success that he climbs step by step with confidence and mastery.

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